Understanding Scoring in Pickleball - PaddleBall Sports Co

Understanding Scoring in Pickleball

Understanding Scoring in Pickleball

Pickleball is a fast-growing sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It's played on a smaller court with a solid paddle and a perforated plastic ball. Whether you're new to pickleball or a seasoned player, understanding the scoring system is essential to fully enjoy the game.

Scoring Basics

In pickleball, only the serving team can score points. The first team to reach 11 points, with a lead of at least 2 points, wins the game. However, if both teams reach 10 points, the game continues until one team achieves a 2-point lead.

Serving and Receiving

The serving team starts the game by serving the ball diagonally to the opposing team's service zone. The serve must be underhand, and the server's feet should be behind the baseline. The receiving team must let the ball bounce once before returning it. After the initial serve, both teams can either volley the ball (hit it in the air without letting it bounce) or play it after a bounce.

Winning a Point

A point is scored when the serving team wins a rally. This can happen in several ways:

  • If the receiving team fails to return the ball before it bounces twice.
  • If the receiving team hits the ball out of bounds.
  • If the receiving team hits the ball into the net.
  • If the receiving team hits the ball into the non-volley zone.
  • If the receiving team commits a fault, such as stepping into the non-volley zone during a volley or volleying the ball before it has bounced once.

Side Out

When the serving team commits a fault, the opposing team earns the serve. This is called a side out, and it usually occurs when the serving team fails to get the ball over the net or hits it out of bounds. The receiving team then becomes the serving team, and the game continues.

Switching Sides

In pickleball, players switch sides after each odd-numbered point. This ensures that no team has a permanent advantage due to factors like the sun or wind. Switching sides allows players to adapt to different conditions and makes the game fairer.


If a match reaches a tiebreaker, the scoring changes slightly. The first team to reach 7 points, with a lead of at least 2 points, wins the tiebreaker and the match. The serve alternates between teams every two points.

Understanding the scoring system in pickleball is crucial for players and spectators alike. It adds strategy, excitement, and fair play to the game. So the next time you step onto the pickleball court, keep these rules in mind and enjoy the thrill of scoring points!

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